Dental practice update – COVID

At 44 Dental Care we have all the necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and will continue to follow our high standards in cross infection control.

What next?

Please continue to attend your appointments unless we contact you and advise differently. We have excellent infection control procedures along with a robust triaging policy to ensure the safety of both patients and staff.

If you are worried about your attendance please contact us to discuss your concerns and we can always postpone your treatment till a later date. 

When you arrive:

Only the patient receiving dental treatment will be permitted to enter the practice.

The door will be locked so please ring the doorbell and someone will allow you in as soon as possible.

We advise that you wear a mask at all times while inside the dental practice and only remove your mask at the request of the dental professional. We will continue to ask you to fill in our Covid screening questionnaire and if there is any risk, you will be advised to rebook your treatment and to follow government guidelines. Please do not arrive more than 5 minutes early for an appointment due to social distancing guidelines.

As you enter the building you will need to use the alcohol disinfectant rub to disinfectant your hands.

The treatment rooms will be prepared prior to your appointment with all surfaces disinfected after each patient.

Please do not be concerned as we continue to maintain high standards of cross infection control.

Stay safe and please contact us if you have any questions. 

Warmest regards

Dr Altaaf Hathiari
Practice Owner