Many patients suffer from a bad breath problem As many as 95% of the population suffer with bad breath at some time.

Mouth checkupBad Breath – The facts!

Bad breath can be divided into two main types:

  1. “Morning Breath” is a condition that most people suffer from. Due to the lack of secretion of saliva during the night from our salivary gland the bacteria isn’t washed away.By simply brushing and rinsing with a mouth rinse the bad breath can disappear. As our salivary glands rest while we are asleep, there is insufficient saliva to wash away bacteria and food debris.
  2. “Halitosis”  is a more serious condition and usually will need treatment. The problem can still be present even after brushing and rinsing and the bad breath can last throughout the day. Bacteria which give off odorous gases produce this type of bad breath.

Usually the patient is unaware that he/she ahs a problem and it may be a friend or relative that notices the bad breath. Having fresh breath can give a patient confidence and is a sign of a healthy mouth.

What causes Bad Breath?

The main cause of bad breath is excessive bacteria which build up in the mouth. This can happen due to inadequate oral hygiene.  The bacteria  which thrive in the moist and warm environment of the mouth give of gases called volatile sulphur compounds.  These bacteria can also contribute to other oral disease such as gum disease and dental decay.

There are also other factors which can give rise to bad breath mainly:

  • “Food breath” – can be caused by certain foods. Avoid by omitting foods and liquids such as garlic and alcohol.  
  • “Hunger breath” – caused by the lack of food and liquids as we meal skip. Overcome this by eating and drinking.  
  • “Dental disease” – normally resolved by correct oral hygiene routine and visiting the dentist and hygienist regularly.  
Can bad breath be treated?

Once proper diagnosis is made then bad breath can be treated.  The difficulty is knowing if a problem exists because we are poor judges of whether we have bad breath. Frequently the problem is noticed by a close friend or relative. Hence the best way of determining if you have bad breath or not is by asking a some one close to you or asking your dentist. Sometimes, although rarely, bad breath can be a sign of a general health problem. We should be able to tell those dear to us if they have a problem.

What should you do if you have bad breath?

Most of the time the cause of the bad breath is from the mouth. If you feel you have a problem it is necessary to see your dentist first. Before your appointment do not smoke, use any mouthwashes or chew any gum. Try not to wear any after shave or perfumes. This will allow us to make a fair judgement as to whether we will a problem exists.

If you have reason to believe that there is a problem, see your dentist first, since 95% of the time bad breath comes from the mouth.

Hints and Tips on how to achieve long lasting Fresh Breath.

If the excess bacteria and debris is removed on a regular basis then the bad breath should disappear over time. There are many techniques that can be used to control bad breath and it may be necessary to combine techniques of brushing , flossing and using mouth washes  to acheieve the ultimatre fresh breath.


– Visit the dentist regularly.
– Have your teeth cleaned periodically by the dentist or oral hygienist.
– Floss between your teeth everyday.
– Brush your teeth and gums properly
– Clean your tongue as far back as possible with a tongue cleaner.
– Chew sugar free gum for a few moments, especially if your mouth feels dry.
– Drink liquids. Clean your mouth after eating or drinking milk products, fish or meat.
– Ask a family member to tell you whenever you have bad breath.
– Use a recommended mouthwash. Use it most effectively before sleeping.


– Get depressed, Get help.
– Ignore your gums – you can lose your teeth as well as smell bad.
– Brush your tongue with a regular toothpaste- its better to dip your tooth brush in mouthwash for tongue cleaning.
– Give mouthwash to very young children, as they may swallow it.
– Clean your tongue so hard that it hurts.
– Rely on mouthwash alone- practice complete oral hygiene.